This is ¡TODO! Mallorca
¡TODO! Majorca
Two couples, friends and parents! And of course „Luis“, who will continue to inspire and accompany us and you with his enthusiasm for work and Mallorca.
We are not only showing our colours, but also our faces. So this is ¡TODO! Mallorca.
From the left… as they say:
Philip – who not only likes to take it easy (playing golf), but also patiently searches for your dream property, NEVER leaves you alone in the jungle of the authorities when it comes to the annual tax declaration for your property and is happy to welcome you to the island as your holiday companion.
Nadine – is the creative mind and has not only „pinned“ Luis to her side forever and ever. Together with Jessi, she manages our social media channels, brings our website to the forefront and is the one who pins the ¡TODO! Mallorca button on your car windscreen.
José – the native speaker of the team. Spanish with perfect German, years of experience in tourism, translator and sommelier responsible for the good wines. He takes care of all translations and important phone calls for you.
Jessi – the rocking mum who always has a witty remark to make and will not only accompany you to healthy meals. With a background in administration and tourism, she is perfect for all your paperwork and the head of your car in Spain!
And of course
Luis – who was behind the camera for this picture, but is the man of the first hour, our mascot so to speak.
So what now? Now you know who will be your guide through all the paperwork, who will plunge into the Spanish bureaucratic jungle for you, who will support you and who will give you his entire to-do list for Mallorca!
In Spanish:
Todo para Mallorca – simply ¡TODO! Mallorca!

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#auswanderung #auswandern #steuernnummer #kfzummeldungen #immobilienaufmallorca
#deutscheaufmallorca #mallorca2023 #mallorca #urlaub #urlaubaufmallorca #wohnenaufmallorca
#auto #wohnmobil #überuns #hola #freunde #socialmedia #sommelier #immobilien